151 research outputs found

    Multifunctional House

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    Úkolem této bakalářské práce je zpracovat částečnou dokumentaci pro provádění stavby dle vyhlášky č. 499/2006 Sb. (ve znění pozdějších předpisů) o dokumentaci staveb. Tato dokumentace je zpracovaná pro multifunkční dům, který navazuje na projekt zpracovávaný v předmětech Ateliérová tvorba III. (urbanistická studie), Ateliérovou tvorbu IV (architektonická studie) a Ateliérovou tvorbu Va (dokumentace pro stavební povolení). Hlavním cílem bylo navrhnout multifunkční objekt, který bude vstupní dominantou při vjezdu do Městského Obvodu Nová Ves – Statutárního města Ostravy.The task of this bachelor's thesis is the elaboration of partial documentation for the execution of the project according to regulation n. 499/2006 Coll. (as amended) on building documentation. This documentation is processed for a multifunctional house, which follows the project elaborated in the Studio work III. (urban studies), Studio work IV. (architectural study) and Studio work Va (building permit documentation). The main objective was to design a multifunctional building, which dominates the entrance at the entrance to the city District Nová Ves - Statutory city of Ostrava.226 - Katedra architekturyvelmi dobř

    The Determinants of Motivation Regarding Top Competitive Basketball of Juniors

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    The motivation plays an essential role in carrying out any activity in people´s lives. It is a critical aspect between individual stages of career transitions and its goals. The purpose is to describe the determinants of the motivation and adherence of junior basketball players. The research interviews 40 players who wish to continue at the professional stage. The Career Transition theory (Alfermann & Stambulova, 2007) is a scope for the research. The research is qualitative, using The Grounded Theory by Strauss and Corbin (1990). The chosen research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The sample consists of twenty girls and twenty boys between ages 15-18. The results illustrate eight determinants of motivation and adherence. 1.lifestyle, 2.the perception of competencies, 3.specifics of basketball, 4.biopsychosocial health. 5.enjoyment, 6.team spirit, 7.society, 8.time management. Time management is the most occurring reason for termination of the basketball career

    New city district in the area of former barracks in Malacky – Residential complex Malina

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    Bc. ŠIMKOVÁ, H.: Nová městská čtvrť v areálu bývalých kasáren v Malackách – Obytný soubor Malina: Diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra architektury, 2020, Vedoucí práce: Ing. arch. TREFIL, Z. Diplomová práce se zabývá tématikou využití dnes aktivně nevyužívaného a izolovaného areálu kasáren, na okraji města Malacky. Cílem je vytvořit z kasáren soběstačnou městskou čtvrť s novou identitou, která vnese do města řád, propojí chybějící vazby v území a pozvedne obraz města. Koncepci nového funkčního využití kasáren předcházely analýzy města a samotného areálu. Dalším cílem je využití potenciálu zeleně v území při návrhu parku, jako veřejného prostoru kolem řeky Maliny, která je úzce spjata s Kasárnami. Z důvodu rychlého nárůstu obyvatel ve městě Malacky převládá v nové čtvrti potřeba funkce bydlení. Předmětem diplomové práce je architektonická studie Obytného souboru Malina, nabízející různé formy bydlení s krytým parkováním a návazností na přilehlý park.Bc. ŠIMKOVÁ, H.: New city district in the area of former barracks in Malacky – Residential complex Malina: Diploma thesis. Ostrava: VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture, 2020, Supervised by: Ing. arch. TREFIL, Z. The diploma thesis deals with the use of the currently unused and isolated barracks complex on the outskirts of Malacky. The goal is to make the barracks a self-sufficient city district with a new identity that will bring order to the city, connect missing linkages in the territory and promote the image of the city. The concept of new functional use of the barracks was preceded by analyzes of the city and the complex itself. Another goal is to use a potential of greenery in the area in the design of the park as a public space around the Malina river, which is closely connected to the Barracks. Due to the rapid growth of the population in Malacky city, in the new district prevails needs for housing. The subject of this diploma thesis is an architectural study of the Malina residential complex, offering various forms of housing with indoor parking and the contact with an adjoining park.226 - Katedra architekturyvelmi dobř

    Alkaloids of genus Narcissus: isolation, structural identification, biological activity

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    Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Katedra farmaceutické botaniky Řešitel: Hana Šimková Školitel: prof. Ing. Lucie Cahlíková, Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: Alkaloidy rodu Narcissus: isolace, strukturní identifikace, biologická aktivita Klíčová slova: Narcissus, alkaloidy, biologická aktivita, Alzheimerova choroba, cytotoxická aktivita Předmětem této diplomové práce byla izolace alkaloidů se zaměřením na minoritní frakce, které byly získány ze sumárního alkaloidního extraktu Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton. Pro účel izolace byla použita metoda preparativní TLC, pomocí které byly z přidělených frakcí izolovány tři látky alkaloidní povahy Fj 3-4/kr, F 7/2-1, F 7/2-3. Tyto látky byly za použití GC-MS, NMR analýzy, optické otáčivosti a následného porovnání s daty v odborné literatuře identifikovány jako alkaloidy homolykorinového typu lykorenin, homolykorin a hippeastrin. U těchto tří alkaloidů byla testována inhibiční aktivita vůči AChE, BuChE, POP a GSK-3β. Jejich inhibiční aktivity vůči AChE a BuChE byly porovnávány se standardy galanthaminem (IC50 AChE = 1,71 ± 0,07 μM, IC50 BuChE = 42,3 ± 1,3 μM) a huperzinem A (IC50 AChE = 0,033 ± 0,001 μM, IC50 BuChE> 1000 μM). Jako standardy pro porovnání inhibiční aktivity vůči POP byly použity Z-Pro-prolinal (IC50 POP = 3,27 ±...Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany Author: Hana Šimková Supervisor: prof. Ing. Lucie Cahlíková, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Alkaloids of genus Narcissus: isolation, structural identification, biological activity Key words: Narcissus, alkaloids, biological activity, Alzheimer's disease, cytotoxic activity The aim of the diploma thesis was an isolation of alkaloids with a focus on minor fractions. These fractions were obtained from the summary alkaloid extract of Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton. The method of preparative TLC was used for the isolation of alkaloids. Three substances of alkaloid origin marked as Fj 3-4/kr, F 7/2-1, F 7/2-3 were isolated from the assigned fractions. These substances were identified as alkaloids of homolycorine type lycorenine, homolycorine and hippeastrine by using GC-MS, NMR and optical rotation. The results were also compared with data in the literature. These three alkaloids were tested for their inhibitory activity against AChE, BuChE, POP and GSK-3β. The inhibitory activity against AChE and BuChE was compared with the reference substances galanthamine (IC50 AChE = 1,71 ± 0,07 μM, IC50 BuChE = 42,3 ± 1,3 μM) and huperzine A (IC50 AChE = 0,033 ± 0,001 μM, IC50 BuChE> 1000 μM). The inhibitory...Katedra farmakognozie a farmaceutické botanikyDepartment of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical BotanyFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Divide and Conquer: Chromosomal Approach to Cope with the Wheat Genome

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    Póster presentado en el Olomouc Biotech. Plant Biotechnology: green for good, celebrado en Olomouc (República Checa) del 19 al 21 de junio de 2011.Peer Reviewe

    Advances in plant chromosome genomics

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    AbstractNext generation sequencing (NGS) is revolutionizing genomics and is providing novel insights into genome organization, evolution and function. The number of plant genomes targeted for sequencing is rising. For the moment, however, the acquisition of full genome sequences in large genome species remains difficult, largely because the short reads produced by NGS platforms are inadequate to cope with repeat-rich DNA, which forms a large part of these genomes. The problem of sequence redundancy is compounded in polyploids, which dominate the plant kingdom. An approach to overcoming some of these difficulties is to reduce the full nuclear genome to its individual chromosomes using flow-sorting. The DNA acquired in this way has proven to be suitable for many applications, including PCR-based physical mapping, in situ hybridization, forming DNA arrays, the development of DNA markers, the construction of BAC libraries and positional cloning. Coupling chromosome sorting with NGS offers opportunities for the study of genome organization at the single chromosomal level, for comparative analyses between related species and for the validation of whole genome assemblies. Apart from the primary aim of reducing the complexity of the template, taking a chromosome-based approach enables independent teams to work in parallel, each tasked with the analysis of a different chromosome(s). Given that the number of plant species tractable for chromosome sorting is increasing, the likelihood is that chromosome genomics – the marriage of cytology and genomics – will make a significant contribution to the field of plant genetics

    Flow cytometric chromosome sorting from diploid progenitors of bread wheat, T. urartu, Ae. speltoides and Ae. tauschii

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    Key message Chromosomes 5Au, 5S and 5D can be isolated from wild progenitors, providing a chromosomebased approach to develop tools for breeding and to study the genome evolution of wheat. Abstract The three subgenomes of hexaploid bread wheat originated from Triticum urartu (AuAu), from a species similar to Aegilops speltoides (SS) (progenitor of the B genome), and from Ae. tauschii (DD). Earlier studies indicated the potential of chromosome genomics to assist gene transfer from wild relatives of wheat and discover novel genes for wheat improvement. This study evaluates the potential of flow cytometric chromosome sorting in the diploid progenitors of bread wheat. Flow karyotypes obtained by analysing DAPI-stained chromosomes were characterized and the contents of the chromosome peaks were determined. FISH analysis with repetitive DNA probes proved that chromosomes 5Au, 5S and 5D could be sorted with purities of 78–90 %, while the remaining chromosomes could be sorted in groups of three. Twenty-five conserved orthologous set (COS) markers covering wheat homoeologous chromosome groups 1–7 were used for PCR with DNA amplified from flow-sorted chromosomes and genomic DNA. These assays validated the cytomolecular results as follows: peak I on flow karyotypes contained chromosome groups 1, 4 and 6, peak II represented homoeologous group 5, while peak III consisted of groups 2, 3 and 7. The isolation of individual chromosomes of wild progenitors provides an attractive opportunity to investigate the structure and evolution of the polyploid genome and to deliver tools for wheat improvement

    A major invasion of transposable elements accounts for the large size of the Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici genome

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    Powdery mildew of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is caused by the ascomycete fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici. Genomic approaches open new ways to study the biology of this obligate biotrophic pathogen. We started the analysis of the Bg tritici genome with the low-pass sequencing of its genome using the 454 technology and the construction of the first genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for this fungus. High-coverage contigs were assembled with the 454 reads. They allowed the characterization of 56 transposable elements and the establishment of the Blumeria repeat database. The BAC library contains 12,288 clones with an average insert size of 115kb, which represents a maximum of 7.5-fold genome coverage. Sequencing of the BAC ends generated 12.6Mb of random sequence representative of the genome. Analysis of BAC-end sequences revealed a massive invasion of transposable elements accounting for at least 85% of the genome. This explains the unusually large size of this genome which we estimate to be at least 174Mb, based on a large-scale physical map constructed through the fingerprinting of the BAC library. Our study represents a crucial step in the perspective of the determination and study of the whole Bg tritici genome sequenc

    A novel resource for genomics of Triticeae: BAC library specific for the short arm of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosome 1R (1RS)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomics of rye (<it>Secale cereale </it>L.) is impeded by its large nuclear genome (1C~7,900 Mbp) with prevalence of DNA repeats (> 90%). An attractive possibility is to dissect the genome to small parts after flow sorting particular chromosomes and chromosome arms. To test this approach, we have chosen 1RS chromosome arm, which represents only 5.6% of the total rye genome. The 1RS arm is an attractive target as it carries many important genes and because it became part of the wheat gene pool as the 1BL.1RS translocation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that it is possible to sort 1RS arm from wheat-rye ditelosomic addition line. Using this approach, we isolated over 10 million of 1RS arms using flow sorting and used their DNA to construct a 1RS-specific BAC library, which comprises 103,680 clones with average insert size of 73 kb. The library comprises two sublibraries constructed using <it>Hin</it>dIII and <it>Eco</it>RI and provides a deep coverage of about 14-fold of the 1RS arm (442 Mbp). We present preliminary results obtained during positional cloning of the stem rust resistance gene <it>SrR</it>, which confirm a potential of the library to speed up isolation of agronomically important genes by map-based cloning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We present a strategy that enables sorting short arms of several chromosomes of rye. Using flow-sorted chromosomes, we have constructed a deep coverage BAC library specific for the short arm of chromosome 1R (1RS). This is the first subgenomic BAC library available for rye and we demonstrate its potential for positional gene cloning. We expect that the library will facilitate development of a physical contig map of 1RS and comparative genomics of the homoeologous chromosome group 1 of wheat, barley and rye.</p